Validate actionエラー

Validate アクションによる検証が失敗したことにより発生します。
・Exists: Element for item ‘リポジトリ名’ does not exist.
・NotExists: Element for item ‘リポジトリ名’ does exists.
・AttributeEqual: Attribute ‘属性’ of element for item ‘リポジトリ名’ does not match the specified
・NotAttributeEqual: Attribute ‘属性’ of element for item ‘リポジトリ名’ does match the specified
・AttributeRegex: Attribute ‘属性’ of element for item ‘リポジトリ名’ does not match the specified
・AttributeContains: Attribute ‘属性’ of element for item ‘リポジトリ名’ does not contain the
  specified value.
・AttributeNotContains: Attribute ‘属性’ of element for item ‘リポジトリ名’ does contain the
  specified value.
・ContainsImage: Screenshot of item ‘リポジトリ名’ does not contain the specified image.
・CompareIage: Screenshot of item ‘リポジトリ名’ does not match the specified image.